School’s year wait for police officer
THE secondary school shocked by a fight outside its gates involving 40 youths has been advertising for a police officer for a year, the New Journal can reveal.
The officer based at South Camden Community School in Charrington Street, Somers Town, left in May, 2005.
Since then the position has remain unfilled despite being advertised twice within the Metropolitan Police.
Camden police chief Mark Heath, speaking at a police consultative group meeting on Tuesday, said it was a challenging role which must be filled with the right officer – one who would stay in the post and get to know the pupils and staff.
Mr Heath said: “It is a very tough role and it takes a particular type of police officer to do it properly.”
Head teacher Rosemary Leeke expressed disappointment that the post was not filled yet - but added the school had good relations with officers who came in regularly.
She added: “We expect an appointment soon - it is in the process of happening, but it has taklen time because it has to be the right person.”
Four youths were arrested after the fight outside the school three weeks ago. They have been referred to youth inclusion and support panels.
Maria Fidelis School, in Somers Town, is also waiting for a permanent police officer to be appointed. |