Just what have we got to hide from the public?
MP Jeremy Corbyn was shocked by Parliament’s attempts to sidestep freedom of information
I SUPPORTED the Freedom of Information Act as a giant step forward when it was introduced in 2005. > more
While Gordon Brown eyes up No.10, the housing crisis worsens
MARGARET Hodge has opened a can of worms with her call for British families to be given council housing priority.
While there are likely to be mutterings of sympathy from those on Camden’s 14,000 strong waiting list, the fact is that the Minister for Industry has only... > more
Hitting the roof over new tenancy scheme - CAMDEN Council wishes to make all new council tenancies ‘introductory tenancies’ as part of a strategy... > more
Year to forget under our new council - CAMDEN'S LibDem/Tory administration has now been in power for just over a year, so it would seem reasonable to... > more
Gym facilities fit for women - THE council has adopted a policy of having ‘women only’ sessions in their leisure centres. > more
Don’t be too pushy on bus - I WOULD like to reply to Lucy Thomas’s letter and her remarks about open pushchairs on buses, which I think are a nightmare. > more
Refuse to tell the truth? - IT is now more than a month since Councillor Mike Green volunteered himself as the man in charge of Camden’s recycling... > more
Green policies need realistic foundations - THERE seems to be a general misunderstanding about what has actually happened in the case... > more
Now is the time to decide Labour’s future - WHETHER you agree or disagree with the politics of Tony Blair, there is no doubt that there is now a potential for... > more
Brown offers new hope of home repairs cash - IT shows how out of touch Lib Dems and Tories are when they say there is no hope of the government giving... > more
Swimming gone at a stroke - WHAT a mess Camden Council have made of school swimming. > more
Taking healthy interest - WE are pleased Middlesex Hospital has decided to postpone the disposal of the Cayley Robinson paintings (Hospital paintings... > more
Wait for governor - TWELVE months ago the new political regime in Camden removed a large number of Labour party governors from schools in order to... > more
Urban lives in frame - I WOULD like to say thankyou. I read your article on the exhibition Underexposed last week and was blown away at how real and relevant it... > more
Second class posts - INTERESTING to read of disappearing lampposts (Letters, May 17). I wonder how many other readers have noticed how those lamps... > more
Price of home help - YOUR correspondents, including Labour councillor Theo Blackwell and Geethika Jayatilaka, like your paper, have short memories. > more
Crowns’ glory! - A CORRECTION to Clare Latimer’s article (Perfect timing and the art of a good breakfast, May 3). > more
Let’s get our post office sorted - AS regards having a post office in Belsize Park, which we need desperately, how about the chemist making a space for one? > more
People power - IT'S good to be able to report a victory for local people and local action. Last Friday (May 18) the Planning Inspectorate dismissed Orange’s... > more
Keep religion private - REGARDING Robin Young’s letter (Muslims pay taxes and so have rights, May 17) I don’t understand why he has to mention he... > more
Pedestrians’ views walked all over - GREEN councillor Maya De Souza appears to have a blinkered view of cycling on Hampstead Heath (New Journal... > more
Young people failed - COUNCILLOR Syed Hoque is spot on with his comment on anti-social behaviour and the increasing difficulty in getting the council... > more
Legal aid can still be found - YOUR readers may, quite understandably, feel concerned about recent action taken by solicitors in their campaign against reforms... > more |