Hold your nerve, we are winning the housing fight
The government’s plans to privatise council housing are in real trouble, argues Alan Walter
ON the day Gordon Brown announced he was standing for Labour Leader he got the Daily Mirror to run ‘Tough borrowing... > more
Brown’s policies are an echo of Tory failures
GORDON Brown, eager to win plaudits, has been making one promise after another this week.
Among them is a pledge to put housing at the top of his agenda.
Taken at its face value, young people, desperate to set up home, may have taken heart at hearing this. > more
The heat is on over carbon emissions - IT'S not often we can take heart from war breaking out, and yet here we are in Camden with different groups... > more
Hospital art in wrong place - IT seems as if the artist Frederick Cayley Robinson, whose moving memorial to the band on the Titanic, Outward Bound... > more
Barbecue ban leaves a bad taste - IT was a work of genuine comedy genius.
Your reporter’s take on Flick Rea’s radio interview (Summer BBQ ban... > more
Right way to report mental health - THERE has been some truly dreadful media coverage of mental health issues, but it is improving. > more
Loyal servant missed - I WAS shocked and saddened to hear of Jim Turner’s sudden death (Ex-mayor who led fight to save old people’s home, May 3). > more
Don’t bully the buggy people - YET again, travelling on the 24 bus today, I watched the systematic bullying of a vulnerable group of passengers by the... > more
Closing African eatery leaves bad taste - I WAS sorry to read that Camden has refused full planning permission to the African Kitchen Gallery (African... > more
Care home survey result - THE 12 week public consultation on our ideas for care homes, extra care sheltered housing and a new Charlie Ratchford resource... > more
Labour should stop bleating - NEARLY every week I read letters from The Gospel Oak Labour Branch always making negative remarks about the Lib... > more
Post office problems - GENE Adams (Letters, ‘Late delivering new post office’, May 10) misunderstands what is needed to re-open a Post Office in Belsize Park. > more
Is Nelson’s hole a lost battle? - AS a resident of Nelson’s Yard I am still waiting for a reply from Camden Council as to why the “temporary” measures put in place... > more
Beware ring scam - RECENTLY my husband has been approached on three separate occasions in the immediate vicinity of Holborn Police Station by people... > more
Closing Kentish Town Baths a necessity, not just an excuse - WITH reference to last week’s letter (Pool closure excuse, May 10) there is nobody more... > more
Parents’ behaviour is the real shock - I NOTE that a parent wrote this week upon receiving the ‘shock’ news she would not receive a parking... > more
King of ring! - I WAS so pleased to read about young Johny Brown in this week’s issue of the Camden New Journal (Optician couldn’t see boxing future, May 10). > more
Healthy education - I WOULD just like to say a huge congratulations to the Head Teacher, Gwen Lee, and all her staff at Christopher Hatton School, who... > more |