Honour this truly great campaigner
SHAME on English Heritage for not honouring that remarkable Englishman, Michael Scott, with a blue plaque at his final residence in Primrose Hill. (Hain backs plaque honour for anti-apartheid fighter, April 12).
Can’t it recognise heroism when it stares it in the face? Though no longer a household name, Scott helped change the course of Britain’s colonial history in a determined but always non-violent way. > more
Bring officials to heel
IF and – hopefully – when the council abandons its hopelessly ill-conceived dog control plan, an inquiry should be held into how such a ludicrous suggestion ever found its way onto a committee paper.
Whoever drafted such a sweeping piece of nonsensical local legislation should be questioned by our elected members. > more
Help football club to survive - COUNCILLOR Stewart’s recent letter concerning the spiralling costs of the refurbishment of Kentish Town Baths has prompted... > more
Why shut the bar? - IT was a real sadness for many of us at the council to realise that Roy Shaw would no longer be able to serve as a councillor, a role he... > more
Bill was a hero - REGARDING Bill Budd. Having worked for Camden for 17 years, I would like to say how much we appreciated Bill, without whom our lovely library... > more
Too loud - THE amplification of the Kenwood concerts is an absolute disaster. > more
‘A bicycle in a park is not like a Panzer tank division’ - REGARDING the letter from Stephen Plowden (‘Heath no place for cyclists’, Letters April 12) objecting... > more
Violent youths - I WRITE, again as a long time (22 years) resident of Malden Road and also as a single mother of a 21 year old boy and 11 year old girl in... > more
Hopscotch theatre 50th anniversary - THIS year the Hopscotch Players Drama Group will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of their first production... > more
Lib Dems support the Freedom Pass - I MUST write in response to last week’s letters about the Freedom Pass from Ken Livingstone and J Jordan... > more
Repulsive to turn college into flats for privileged few - I WOULD like to support the idea of the council acquiring the St Martin’s site in Holborn for a secondary... > more
Driven up the wall - I live on an estate where footballs constantly go crash-bash-smash against walls (Play ball, and give the kids a break, April 12)... > more
Who can you believe? - IN a recent Camden Labour leaflet, I read that “the Lib Dems aim to scrap free bus travel for under-18s”. > more
We are powerless to object to phone mast on this roof - BEDFORD House on Camden High Street accommodates Somerfield Supermarket with Camden... > more
Too busy to deal with us - THREE weeks ago you kindly published my letter regarding the difficulties that residents in King’s Cross had in getting in touch with... > more
Free is great - I WRITE with regard to your anonymous readers’ letter in the Camden New Journal criticising his/her recent hospital treatment, I assume... > more
Let dogs get on with their lives - THE last few weeks have been crazy about innocent dog walkers being banned from enjoying exercising their dogs. > more
Why are cells in a state? - I was interested to read your article (Police cells are ‘mouldy and old’, say inspectors, April 12) about the state of the custody suites... > more
We beat the bounds - IN near tropical temperatures last Saturday about three dozen hardy individuals, many of them Camden officers, completed the... > more
A lot less greed would have seen better social housing - THE planning situation at King’s Cross becomes more and more complicated. > more
Beer goose chase - I AM doing some research on my family history and discovered that an ancestor, Alois Zugelter, according to the 1901 census, was a... > more |