What is going on with recycling?
• AS a citizen currently in Islington but of recent Camden origin, I feel aware of my ethical obligations towards recycling.
Thus it is that I’ve managed to convince my student co-habitees to recycle their bottles, cardboard and plastic every day. Our box is collected every Tuesday and we feel good about it.
But I was disgusted to see the way Camden Council are handling recycling for traders, evidenced on my way back from university on a 134 bus.
We followed a refuse lorry up Kentish Town High Street and got a perfect view from the top deck of council contracted workers removing refuse lined up in the streets.
It appeared that every business had neatly lined up its rubbish, sorted into black refuse sacks and cardboard boxes. The intention, it would appear, was to sort out recyclables.
However, the workers throwing rubbish into the back of their landfill truck didn’t appreciate the discrimination. They promptly threw everything they could see into the back, including whole boxes of sorted cardboard and, in one instance, even some strong plastic fruit rack boxes which clearly are intended for use many times.
Whether this was an intentional time-saving ruse by the refuse collectors or in fact permissible policy was unclear. But it made a pathetic mockery of the council’s principles on recycling – telling us to do one thing and quite clearly doing another for itself.
Mercers Road, N19
•OUR caretaker has his work cut out trying to keep up with the continual flow of litter.
To imagine that these same people are going to put their rubbish in bags, carry it half way over the estate to some bins, then sort it out, the idea is bonkers.
What about the elderly, disabled, and families with many young children?
The people I have spoken to are furious. They say that with the excessively high estate charges we have to pay, they do not then think it fair to have to work on the estate.
Even those who were enthusiastic about recycling, say they will not do it.
Springbank Walk, NW1