Shame to lose social centre
• SOON we will see the closure of St Joseph’s Parish Centre in Archway, one of the most popular Catholic centres in London.
It has given a welcome to Irish Catholics for the last 30 years. Most of the bands which played there were of Irish extraction but the music was for all tastes and a welcome was offered to all races.
The parish centre gives so much enjoyment to the community, old and not so old.
There is no other such centre in the area where one can go to enjoy a sociable evening in safety.
The parish is soon to be handed over to the control of Westminister and there are plans to build housing to raise cash for modernisation.
Why is it necessary to build housing in that lovely unspoilt area?
They say it is to accommodate the older priests who are retiring. The existing building is surely big enough to house everyone.
What a great shame it will be to lose a beautiful green open space.
Surely, Westminster has the funds to carry out the alterations required.
Despard Road, N19