We’ve had enough of mobile phones masts
near our homes
•BEDFORD House on Camden High Street accommodates Somerfield Supermarket with Camden Council offices above.
The landlords have applied again for permission to place mobile phone masts on the main roof and on the back extension.
Local residents are objecting officially, though they may only object to the ugliness of the masts and equipment.
We cannot object on the issue of health ie that the technology has not been proven to be safe, as this is against central government policy. The landlords, an investment company, of course, will obtain handsome payment from the companies for use of their roofs which is their only concern.
Residents living nearby already have enough ‘technology’ from this site in our bedrooms and living rooms. We are constantly exposed to a low, sonic boom accompanied by an intermittent high-pitched whine from Somerfield’s huge refrigeration plant on the back extension roof.
Electrical equipment on the roofs and hanging off the sides of the building also contribute to noise nuisance and to residents’ health problems. Installation of expensive double glazing has helped some people to endure the noise but this will not protect us from phone mast emissions.
To add insult to injury, the construction of units on the roof for the mast station is equivalent to a mansard-type roof extension, something local residents are forbidden to do by Camden Council’s planning department.
We expect Camden to stand up to this kind of proposal, as some other north London boroughs have done.
This is especially the case since the council has used the premises and the luxury of its private car parks for decades. They have a duty of care to constituents on public health issues.
If you wish to help us to object please contact the council Development Control office on 0207 974 5809. The application number is 2007/0778/P.
Arlington Road, NW1