Concerts are needed
• IF concerts do resume at Kenwood then we would of course include classical concerts as part of a wider programme.
But as I have explained a purely classical programme does not cover its costs let alone produce much needed income for Kenwood House and Estate
(John Stratton, 29 March 29 ).
Our Grant in Aid, which is our primary source of income, has decreased year on year in real terms for the last 10 years.
In order to continue to maintain and conserve our 400 sites to a high standard, which includes Kenwood, we cannot possibly put on major events that lose money.
Unfortunately it is quite inaccurate to say that classical concerts do not need to be amplified – without amplification the music would be barely audible to the audience. Concerts have certainly been amplified at Kenwood since English Heritage took over the running of the site back in the 1980s.
Both English Heritage and IMG have bent over backwards to try and address the complaints made by a very small number of local people over the last few years and we are firmly committed to working with the local community to try and find a satisfactory solution for bringing back the concerts.
We have already met with local objectors and a public meeting is planned in May. However, there has to be give and take on both sides and a willingness to work with us if we are to find a way of restoring the concert programme.
Visitor Operations Director London
English Heritage