Plan to demolish swimming pool
SECRET plans to scrap one of the last remaining school swimming
pools in the borough have been condemned by parents.
School chiefs at Primrose Hill School in Princess Road, Primrose
Hill, are in discussions with architects over a proposal to
get rid of the pool and replace it with another classroom. The
20-old-year pool is one of only six left in schools in the borough.
It is currently used twice a week by infants at the school.
One parent who found out about the plans from the partner of
a school governor said the school should have consulted parents
first about the plans.
Samantha Heywood, from Mornington Street said: Surely
it would have been better to consult parents about such major
things before we got to the stage where architects are involved.
But head teacher Jane Hunter said the proposals were part of
a £5.5 million Town Hall drive to modernise the
school for 21st-century teaching and would be presented
to parents next week.
She said: Many classrooms are too small, the reception
classes are of different standards, the swimming pool is dilapidated
and costly to maintain, the school entrance is unwelcoming,
the kitchen and dining areas are in an unsuitable position and
condition and the toilets and services need changing.
A Town Hall spokesman said the proposals would need planning
permission and listed building consent with work beginning in
the summer if they got the go-ahead. |