
Mukul Hira is Respect candidate in Somers Town and St
Pancras ward |
People before big business
Each week in the run-up to the May 4 council elections the
New Journal will be offering parties a platform to put their
case to voters. This week: Mukul Hira of Respect.
HOPES were high in 1997 when the Tories, who had waged an
18-year attack on public services in order to reduce taxes for
their rich friends, were finally booted out. But here we are,
nine years later, only to find that New Labours policies
are just as bad as Tory policies.
New Labour are bankrolled by tycoons and in return they keep
taxes for wealthy people low and sell them state assets at knock-down
There is no money, they tell us, for pensions or to fund our
hospitals but they write blank cheques to fund the illegal war
in Iraq. Billions of pounds have been spent so far on killing
thousands of people.
Camdens New Labour council has slavishly followed Tony
Blairs Tory policies privatising anything that
big business can make a profit from, spending fortunes of our
money to persuade us to vote for Arms-Length Management
Organisations and conducting hundreds of consultation exercises
which they then ignore. Ordinary working people have been betrayed
by Labour every time it gets into power. We need a new party
that truly represents our interests.
Respect grew out of the anti-war movement and aims to give a
voice to the millions who were ignored by New Labour. Respect
stands for peace, justice and equality for all our communities.
We are against all privatisation and cuts, and we believe that
the nations wealth should be shared to provide decent
housing and health care for all, free education for our young
people, and to ensure our pensioners are treated with dignity.
Our kids deserve a future proper training and facilities,
decent jobs with good wages. A Respect councillor will put people
first, before the demands of big business and sleazy politicians. |