Prime of life in the life to come
I CAN assure James Martin children do grow up in heaven
(Do children grow up in heaven?, March 16). They grow to what
is called prime of life.
When we all eventually die and pass to the spirit world
we revert back to the prime of life, leaving old-age and infirmities
I have seen my parents and others I have known on many occasions
in the sleep (dream) state and they are as I knew them in their
younger days, not as elderly people. I am sure the mother will
be able to recognise her son because most of us astral
travel whilst asleep (ie: go into the spirit world) but
we do not all recall these sleep-state journeys.
I am not a religious leader nor am I a professional medium,
just a very down-to-earth person who has some psychic abilities.
I hope this will give Mr Martin comfort.
Georgina Brazier-Potter
Address supplied, NW1