Academies, an idea that’s out of control
Murad Qureshi gives low marks to academies, with their private sponsors and lack of local control
IN principle, academies are wrong because they are fundamentally undemocratic and unaccountable. Academies are controlled by outside sponsors who are... > more
Costs rethink victory for dissenting voices
LITTLE known to the outside world a fierce battle has been taking place in the sedate offices of solicitors and chambers of barristers representing conflicting parties over the King’s Cross redevelopment scheme. > more
Classical concerts were acoustic gems - OPEN letter to Rebecca Cane, Visitor Operations Director at English Heritage... > more
Remember Satre when deciding on Freedom Pass - IT has come to my attention via your letters pages that the future of the Freedom Pass may be under threat in... > more
We’ve only three days to sort out kids’ needs - MUMS and other carers, and our kids, were never consulted about how the closure of much-loved and... > more
Cuts to social funds need to be discussed - MANY thanks to the CNJ for once again casting some light on a hidden corner of Camden life. > more
What madness to allow Dalby scheme - THE announcement that the road closure at Dalby Street and so-called “improvements” at Prince of Wales Road... > more
Language should be of benefit - THE head of a Camden school calls for the introduction of a GCSE in the Somali language. > more
Many thanks - YOUR newspaper was kind enough to write an article on the closure of our hardware shop after 44 years trading. > more
A Tesco would be good - REGARDING the proposed Tesco in Belsize Road, and the activities of Nicola Cobbold and others who so vehemently oppose... > more
Thames Water fine should sound alarm - THE fine imposed on Thames Water by a magistrate for shoddy work on roads and illegal road closures should... > more
Here’s how recycling works - IN reply to your reader who wrote in to ask about the recycling that is collected from her street each week (Who sorts... > more
Estate coppers should quit cars - I HAVE been a resident of Regent’s Park estate for more than 20 years. In the past two years I have seen crime and... > more
Gambling with our peace - THE excellent report of the plan to turn part of a hotel in Bloomsbury into a casino quotes from the hotel company’s... > more
Why I’d rather be ill at home - I REMEMBER going into hospital in 1952. The immaculate ward, the dedicated nurses – their hair neatly backcombed, their... > more
In an emergency... just hold on and on - JUST over a week ago, a serious fire completely gutted a flat in one of the blocks in King’s Cross ward, leaving a family of... > more
Plight of single mothers - I WAS shocked but not surprised to read in the CNJ (March 15) that a single mother with two children had to resort to begging food... > more
Surgeries - AS the venues for surgeries will be closed over Easter I will be holding surgeries which generally take place on the first Friday and Saturday... > more
Careline calling charge - I COULDN'T agree more with Blanche Mundlak (Letters, March 15). I too, would like to know why the Careline charge has gone up... > more
Don’t run away from your vote - COUNCILLOR Flick Rea should not run away from the cuts to the library service that she voted for in this year’s budget... > more
Do you know Philippa? - DOES any reader know what happened to the painter Philippa Gee? I am researching the East London Group of artists founded by... > more
Delighted to see this plan thrown out - LAST Thursday, I was delighted to support my neighbours in beating the council’s planning bureaucracy. > more
KX does need housing - RE: Councillor Theo Blackwell’s letter (Homes should be the priority in King’s Cross, March 22). > more
Thanks police - I AM on the Safer Neighbourhoods Panel in Gospel Oak and would like to praise the police for the wonderful job they do in difficult circumstances... > more
Greens pushed Ken hard - COUNCILLOR Paul Barton (Con) criticises the Green Party for supporting Ken Livingstone’s budget at the GLA (Letters, March 15). > more
Baths costs are rising - I AM deeply concerned that the costs of the refurbishment of Kentish Town Baths seem to spiralling and are now double the amount... > more |