
Frances Mills (left) and Margaret Brett at the site of
the proposed memorial where relatives of the July 7 victims
still leave flowers |
plea for victims of 7/7 bus bomb
A PERMANENT memorial to the victims of the July 7
bombings should be sited in Tavistock Square, according to people
who live near the scene of the bus bomb that claimed 14 lives.
Friends and families of the victims have been leaving flowers
and mementoes at a tree stump close to the scene of the bombing.
But Margaret Brett, chairwoman of Tavistock Square Environment
Group, wants the Town Hall to provide something more fitting.
Mrs Brett said: We feel it is important to have a permanent
memorial. It was a horrible tragedy.
She has discussed the idea with Bloomsbury ward councillors,
who have given it their support.
Labour councillor Penny Abraham revealed that she has had talks
with council officers and hopes to have plans for a memorial
confirmed before the anniversary of the bombings this summer.
She added: There have been ongoing discussions but nothing
has been firmed up yet.
Margaret White, who lives in Tavistock Court and whose home
looks onto the scene of the explosion, was waiting to catch
a bus to Camden Town on the day of the London attacks.
She recalled: It was horrific. At first I thought someone
was attacking the headquarters of the British Medical Association
and then I saw the bus.
Mrs White added: It was awful for so many people who lost
loved ones and were affected by it.
She helped the injured and rescuers, and joined other residents
who served tea to those caught up in the tragedy.
Mrs White said: A memorial is something we should think
about carefully. |