Water firm fined over closed roads
Court action to curb disruption
THAMES Water has admitted illegally shutting roads in Camden so it can carry out repair work.
The water supplier has also confessed to leaving roads and pavements in disrepair once it has finished.
The company pleaded guilty to 60 charges of poor standards of work and illegal road closures at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court on Friday.
Camden Council took action after a series of complaints about Thames Water. The offences included the charge of “wilful obstruction of the highway”. At previous hearings, Thames Water indicated it would enter not guilty pleas.
The firm was fined a total of £67,250 and ordered to pay £20,000 in costs.
A council statement said: “The council took the action after the work caused serious disruption to residents.”
Tory environment chief Councillor Mike Greene said the Town Hall was right to get tough with the company.
He added: “Poor standards of work and illegal road closures by utilities companies cause major disruption to our residents so Camden Council takes these offences very seriously.”
The council’s highway management team co-ordinates work on the borough’s roads and pavements, as far as is legally possible.