
From left, Pankaj Shah from Henrys Newsagent, Tina
Bill from Soap Opera and Atul Kantaria from Hill Pharmacy
in Winchester Road |
Shopkeepers lose fight as plan gets the green light
Keep you word and give us back
our shops urge angry traders
SHOPKEEPERS in Swiss Cottage have lost their battle to save
their businesses from demolition.
The shops in Winchester Road, including a newsagent, a laundrette
and a pharmacy, were earmarked for removal after a proposal
by developers London Merchant Securities (LMS) submitted to
planning chiefs in December.
LMS wanted to knock down the three-storey 1960s building housing
the shops and build three new buildings offering up to 73 flats,
including 23 affordable homes.
But the proposals caused an outcry among traders and residents
who argued the removal of shops would be disastrous for the
community. They submitted more than 200 letters of objection
and a petition opposing the plans.
In a report to planning chiefs in February, officers said that
it was beyond the powers of the planning process to protect
individual types of shops.
Despite praising the significant benefits of the
scheme they recommended bosses reject the proposal because of
its impact on light for neighbouring properties.
But on Thursday, councillors decided to vote against officers
recommendations and gave the development the go-ahead.
After listening to a deputation from the schemes architect,
Michael Squires, urging councillors to accept the proposal,
Labour councillor Dave Horan said: We are in danger of
losing a very good project. I was going to abstain but I am
going to vote in favour of it.
Labour councillor Anna Stewart, executive member for finance,
added: Clearly the affordable housing element of the scheme
has to be welcomed.
Traders told the New Journal they were disappointed by the news.
Pankaj Shah, who has run Henrys Newsagent in the parade
for 24 years, said: Our fear is that once we close this
place it will be very difficult for us to come back.
There has been a lot of talk that LMS will help re-locate
us and bring us back here but they have not sent us any details
Tina Bill, from laundrette Soap Opera said: We are hoping
the developers will keep their word and give us back our shops.
The shops are the focal point of the community here.
Atul Kantaria, from the Hill Pharmacy said: If we dont
get alternative accommodation we will have to close down. It
will be very difficult for me to re-open if that is the case.
A spokeswoman for LMS said: Until we actually got planning
permission we could not offer anything definite.
We will now be in contact with the traders to discuss
the next steps. They are being offered space in the new development
and we are looking at the possibility of relocating some of
them. |