Heather should not have joined in vote
Your article sums up exactly the situation for the
chairwoman of Camdens Development Control Committee following
the approval of the controversial Regents Park development
(Towering row for ex-mayor, February 23).
After considering the planning objections and voices of
support carefully, a cross party group of five councillors voted
against the application. Five Labour councillors voted for it.
One of those was Heather Johnson, who as the chairwoman had
a casting vote, and so the application was passed.
Councillor Johnson admitted she had a personal interest, but
stated that this interest was not prejudicial ie: not
biased towards the applicant. It is difficult to understand
her argument.
Heather Johnson sits on the management board of the West Euston
Partnership (WEP). The WEP campaigned in favour of the development.
They told the committee that there would be great benefits for
them if the application was passed.
Cllr Johnson is a ward councillor for Regents Park, where
the WEP carries out most of its work. Cllr Nasim Ali, another
Regents Park ward councillor also sits on the committee
of WEP. He chairs its planning working group. Whether Cllr Johnson
was herself party to discussions about the application with
members of the WEP board is irrelevant: it was clear that approval
meant certain benefit for the WEP and great political benefit
in Regents Park ward.
It is difficult to imagine that any reasonable member of the
public believed that Cllr Johnson should have participated in
the vote on the Regents Park development.
The mere fact that she is backed by the WEP, the Labour Party
and Camdens own employees wouldnt change that belief.
This was a sad day for planning in Camden Council.
CLLR Don Williams (Con)
Town Hall
Judd Street