My brother did not lead a double life
I was shocked, sickened and appalled by the content
of your story about my brother Robert Byrd (Double-Life of the
addict who took 10 times fatal drug dose, March 2).
Why, if Roberts methadone prescription was being reduced,
and according to his GP when he last saw Robert in May he appeared
to be doing well, should he then in a matter of weeks deliberately
take enough heroin to kill him? Who was the last person to see
him alive? These are the questions that should have been raised
in the article, not opinions and speculations of an alleged
friend of my brothers.
Where did Edward Kellman, the friend quoted in the
story, get his information from? The fact that there may or
may not have been a suicide note surely would have been privy
between the police and my mother. If Mr Kellman had indeed attended
the inquest into my brothers death he wouldve heard
the toxicology report make no mention of poison, but that he
did take over 1 gramme of heroin.
I thought the headline and content of the story was misleading
and disgusting.
My brother had three children he was a brilliant dad, he would
take them to school before going to work himself, collecting
them in the evening. He did not lead a double life. There were
no secrets between Robert and his family. We knew of his troubles
for many years and how he fought to be free of drugs.
My beloved brother took his own life and I will not rest until
the truth is found and told.
Boo Byrd
Darville Road