Shame on you for attacking Barry
For a representative of Camden Council to call Barry
Sullivan a pseudo-adviser as reported in last weeks
New Journal is a blatant example of the arrogance and ignorance
of this council (Round 10 of secret files fight).
It behaves like a mini-Blair government, trying to ignore
the rule of law and deciding that anyone who confronts it is,
by definition, wrong, and therefore acting from the wrong motives.
Thousands of people throughout Camden and indeed throughout
London know that Barry Sullivan is the best, most successful,
most hard-working and above all most sympathetic, community
support adviser that Camden has ever had. This has been acknowledge
by him winning prestigious London-wide awards through the backing
of his of clients.
As chairwoman of the Camden Town Neighbourhood Advice Centre
(CTNAC) and currently, owing to the brutal eviction of the Centre
by the council, having the centre operating from my house, I
have become even more aware of the hundreds of vulnerable people
that flock to see Barry.
I am proud to have such a prestigious charity run by such a
dedicated person in my house. If Barry were a drug dealer, cheating
old ladies as suggested by Camden Council, I would hardly let
him have my key. Or do Camden hope I am just another of their
stupid gullible old lady constituents?
People line up to see Barry because he listens and understands
their problems and gives them his time and attention. As well
as advice, visiting the elderly and disabled, shopping and cleaning
for them, Barry often attends several tribunals in one week,
as CTNAC follow through on all cases and never allow anyone
to attend a tribunal or meeting with any authority alone.
CTNAC with Barry as chief adviser has a fantastic tribunal success
rate. I defy Camden Council to find any other service of this,
comprehensive, caring nature in the borough.
Barry already has evidence, as disclosed in the CNJ, that he
has been accused of drug dealing, cheating old ladies, running
a brothel, and more and it is his inalienable right to clear
his name.
This crass pseudo jibe only shows how out of touch
Camden Council is with the community it is supposed to represent.
Every week the New Journal has stories of how lacking in understanding
this complacent bureaucracy has become. I believe the harassment
of Barry Sullivan and the CTNAC has been orchestrated from the
start by the some politicians and senior officers. I believe
that the time has come for a change.
Gloria Lazenby
Camden Town Neighbourhood Advice Centre
St Martins Close