
Residents fear small shops are being forced out |
Shoppers' threat to boycott Tesco
Warning amid concern for village character
CHAIN stores are facing a shoppers boycott as concern
mounts about the threat to Highgates village character.
Highgate Society members quizzed independent shopkeepers and
a representative from supermarket chain Tesco last Wednesday.
The debate was staged amidst fears that Highgates village
atmosphere is being eroded by its 11 estate agents and Tesco
Metro shop, with another chain bidding to move in.
The meeting heard calls for Society members to boycott chain
stores following revelations that Raj Kara-Rajan, owner of the
popular Deli Village Food and Wine shop in Highgate High Street,
is closing after landlords doubled his rent from £45,000
to £90,000.
Mr Kara-Rajan said: Nothing I can do is going to double
my turnover. Unless people vote with their feet there is no
future for small shops.
I have lived above the shop for 18 years. When the shop
goes, Ill have to go too. But its too late to start
a new business and anyway there wont be any newsagents
left in London in five years. This trade cant survive.
Highgate Society member Dan Thompson, who collected signatures
for a petition calling on landlords to cap rents to protect
small traders, warned: It should not be under-estimated
what a united community can do.
People power in Highgate has already claimed a partial victory.
Tesco has vowed to change the times its lorries stock up its
High Street shop after accusations that delivery drivers blocked
the road and pavements,
Following demands made at the meeting, Tesco has agreed to send
three delivery lorries in the morning and evening, before and
after school and trading hours.
Tesco representative Judy McGuckian said the store was listening
to local people. She added: There was a lot of trouble
over our deliveries. We have changed our delivery hours to 7am
and 7pm. |