Elderly are priority, says homes chief
THE chief executive of a housing group has admitted introducing younger vulnerable tenants could frighten away older takers to a Primrose Hill block.
Chief Executive of the housing association Central and Cecil Housing Trust (CCHT), Dorry McLaughlin, admitted priority residents at Oldfield estate were the elderly, but said a lack of interest in the flats had forced them to look elsewhere.
The 22 empty flats in Regent’s Park Road have views overlooking Primrose Hill.
A showflat was unveiled this week, six months after CCHT first began advertising the flats through Camden Council.
Sources at Oldfield suggest the housing group have been slow off the mark at attracting older residents, and cited the delay in preparing a showflat as one reason less takers have been found. Ms McLaughlin accepted that elderly tenants did not want young people moving to Oldfield estate, and admitted they could potentially frighten away prospective older takers. She said: “I totally agree with them (older residents against younger people moving in). Our priority is to have older people.”
She admitted they were looking at those aged under 25, who are receiving welfare services such as counselling, as prospective tenants, but ruled out drug addicts.