Somers Town
stands united with Muslims
On Sunday February 19, about 60 people of all
ages and backgrounds in the Somers Town area came together at
an open meeting, No To War, No To Islamophobia, to discuss the
attacks on the Muslim community. The following statement was
We would like to show our complete solidarity with the Muslim
communities in Britain. We stand in total opposition to the
racism and Islamophobia that is infecting so much of British
politics today.
The publication of anti-Islamic cartoons is racist. Quite rightly,
there would be outrage if these were cartoons depicting the
Reverend Jesse Jackson as a golliwog. It seems that Islamophobia
has become the last acceptable form of racism.
We pledge to stand by the Muslim communities. Only a united
opposition to discrimination regardless of face or creed can
stop the kind of developments that allowed the Jews to be pushed
into the ghetto in the 1930s. Freedom of speech should not be
abused as a convenient cloak to cover up racism.
And the row over the cartoons is rooted in the occupation of
Iraq and the war on terror.
Therefore, we will come together to build the largest delegation
possible from Somers Town to demonstrate against the war on
March 18, the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
This statement was voted on in the meeting, and signatories
Nuruzzaman (Mukul) Hira prospective candidate, Respect
Cllr Roger Robinson Labour, Somers Town and St Pancras
Liz Wheatley convenor, Camden Stop the War Coalition
Cllr Abdul Quadir Labour, Deputy Mayor
Maddy Cooper joint secretary, Camden Respect
Momota Khatun youth worker
Nurul Islam prospective candidate, Labour
Jahan-Ara Hussain teacher
Shamim Ahmed
Abdul Mobin Tafader
Haji Shamim
Anu Miah
Abdul Hye |