KX bulldozers poised to roll
THE battle for the King’s Cross railway lands intensified on Friday when developers said they would press ahead with plans to demolish historic buildings despite a High Court challenge.
Solicitors for Argent sent a legal letter to objectors to the redevelopment saying that the project cannot be delayed further.
The company has asked Camden Council for “enabling” powers that would allow it to knock down the Stanley North building, one of the old industrial blocks that conservationists still hope can be saved through their appeal.
The letter was sent just two days after campaign group King’s Cross Think Again (KXTA) launched proceedings in the High Court.
It is demanding a judicial review into the way Camden Council handled Argent’s planning applications for land behind King’s Cross and St Pancras stations.
Objectors say councillors were misinformed and effectively told there were no grounds to turn down Argent’s proposals when they were discussed at the Town Hall in November last year.
Privately, campaigners have long feared Argent will kick off the redevelopment with an “opening flourish” that would involve critical demolition work which all sides are aware could hardly be reversed. Along with the Stanley North building, conservationists want the Culross Building to be protected.
Argent’s latest action sparked frantic phone calls and emails between developers, objectors and the council on Friday afternoon. The possibility of a court injunction to stop the bulldozers was even raised with senior officials at the Town Hall.
While it is now accepted Argent cannot begin work before it is given the all-clear from the council, objectors remain concerned that the permission could be granted before any judicial review could be heard in the Royal Courts of Justice.
Michael Edwards, principal spokesman for KXTA, said: “We are obviously concerned that these buildings are not demolished before the court action begins – that would be a disaster.”
A council press official said Argent’s latest request would be considered in the same way as all planning applications and could be decided by a panel of councillors.