job cuts on the way as chiefs' sums won't add up
Unison vows to fight redundancies
as insider tells of department cost cutting
SHOCK job cuts are expected in Camdens parking
department even though the department already relies
heavily on agency staff.
The Town Hall is also planning to surrender control of four
car parks to a private company in a department reshuffle.
Details of the changes have been kept private but the New Journal
has seen a letter sent to parking staff asking them whether
they are interested in voluntary redundancies.
One department insider said that bosses had been urged to cut
costs after over-estimating how much money could be raised by
parking penalties.
Unions warned the council last night (Wednesday) that they would
fight any attempt to oust staff.
The private letter leaked to the New Journal reveals
how Rudy Bright, Camdens head of parking, has told staff
the service can run just as efficiently with less staff. He
said a review of parking enforcement in Camden showed that posts
could be deleted.
Mr Bright said in the letter: Comparisons with other local
authorities did show some evidence of high staffing levels and
I believe that we can maintain an effective operation with a
reduced head count.
The future of car parks at the Brunswick Centre, Henderson Court,
Greville Street and Bloomsbury Square in Bloomsbury also hangs
in the balance. Parking company NCP already runs enforcement
across Camden and would be among companies likely to be interested
in managing the car parks as well.
Mr Brights letter said that the department was ready to
outsource the service, adding: This will allow
for a uniform position throughout the service in relation to
car parks.
Anton Moctonian, from Unison, the largest union at the Town
Hall, said: We think that it is ludicrous that they are
talking about cutting posts when parking already uses agency
staff so much. We will oppose any compulsory redundancies.
He added: We also think that the car parks that Camden
manages should stay as an in-house service. They shouldnt
go to a private contractor. We are opposed to any private company
running of the car parks.
The Town Hall admitted last night (Wednesday) that 23 posts
would be deleted. The positions will be in the back office rather
than wardens.
A press official said: This is part of an ongoing annual
efficiency programme and will involve creating 13 new posts
and deleting 23 posts, which means that there will be a loss
of 10 back office posts. Our standard procedures mean that we
ask all staff if they are interested in taking voluntary redundancy,
not all staff will be eligible. We are making all efforts to
retain staff where possible and staff have the option of applying
for vacancies in other departments of the council.
The spokesman said the changes were not related to income from
parking tickets, adding: This is part of Camden Councils
commitment to ensuring we work more efficiently and provide
value for money. Finding efficiencies and providing better value
for money is a process that we went through last year and will
go through next year too. |