Bus stop is very real issue to us
• GEORGINA Brazier-Potter has not got a clue what issues the residents of South End Green have with the 168 bus stand as well as the 24 bus stand
(Bus stop can stay, Feb 8).
Yes, it has been a bus stand since the horse-drawn omnibus. You’ve hit the nail on the head, it was horse-drawn, and not the diesel buses we have now.
Back then you did not have to put up with the engines running for ages, spitting out disgusting fume, which can’t be good for anyone’s health.
Nor did people have to put up with eight buses parked on both bus stands, and the amount of people using them 24/7.
Could Ms Brazier-Potter also note that people don’t want to live right on top of the smelly and noisy buses, and if they ask drivers to turn off their engines off there is a good chance they get abuse.
The cafés we have are run by families, who work extremely hard, and to call them and their customers pretentious and selfish is preposterous.
Let’s not forget that the Royal Free Hospital employs thousands of hard-working people, as well as patients and their visitors. They are also customers of these cafés. Are they pretentious and selfish, too?
Please don’t be so demeaning about our Green, why don’t you stay in NW1 (address supplied) and write about issues in your neighbourhood and leave us to deal with ours?
Marjan Brazier
South End Close, NW3 |