Save the Crown and Goose
• RE the redevelopment of the Crown and Goose pub in Arlington Road and The Camden Road Snooker Club, in Delancey Street.
The latest planning application for these premises is essentially the same as those two previous plans, proposed in November 2003 and February 2005, which were refused and dismissed on appeal.
The design of the façade has been modified but the impact upon the conservation area of a huge space for dining and drinking, with a great increase in visitor numbers, has not been properly assessed.
Parking will impinge on residential streets that are already crowded, taxis collecting late night diners will cause noise and disruption well into the night, the very likely increase in vertical drinking, if some or all of the 14 tables are moved outside – all of this plus the loss of a much loved local pub, not themed or otherwise improved – and the snooker hall, which should be protected and preserved.
Ninety per cent of Delancey Street and Arlington Road is residential. The encroachment on these streets by commercial development of this nature must be resisted. It is the council’s duty to ‘preserve and enhance’ the amenities and appearance of the conversation area.
Olga Calman
Delancey Street, NW1
• THE Delancey Street Residents’ Association would like to draw attention to a planning application to demolish the Crown and Goose public house and the snooker club on the corner of Arlington Road and Delancey Street and replacing them with a three and four-storey building comprising of 10 flats overhanging a commercial ground floor area for a single, large-scale drinking venue.
The two previous applications were correctly rejected. It is our view that the latest application is not significantly different from the two previous applications.
It is our view that the proposed new building is unacceptable and inappropriate by reason of its bulk, scale, form, character, materials and detailed design which fails to respect the character and existing pattern of development or enhance the Camden Town Conservation Area.
Furthermore, the proposed single A3 use, by reason of its enlarged floor space is considered to be detrimental to the amenity and character of the area.
Russell Grant
Delancey Street, NW1 |