Blame culture has gone too far at NHS
• I AM writing to vent my frustrations at the restrictions imposed on my role in NHS administration.
There is a saying that “there are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics.” I doubt whether Benjamin Disraeli or Mark Twain had NHS targets in mind when this memorable phrase was coined, but it is most apt.
The NHS is its own sickest patient, being fed false hope through a tube of lies.
Throwing money at a problem is a short-term measure that seldom works. Frontline staff are immersed in negativity, indeed the most alarming aspect of the NHS workplace is the unquenchable blame culture that continues to spread.
Backs must be covered, targets must be hit. Whether patients are treated is another matter. The statistics read like a children’s story.
We reach the ‘happily-ever-after’ stage, but the lessons remain unlearned.
It is more Noddy and Big Ears, than Hare and the Tortoise.
While targets continue to be hit through a barrage of statistical manipulation, it is inevitable that they will continue to fall. This will result in an increase in both misinformation and anomalous reporting in order to meet the new targets.
Having worked in the NHS for many years I have seen enough to affirm that there is more honesty required across the board. I am actively looking for alternative employment, having grown tired of what now seems like a thankless task.
The blame culture must be exorcised in order to help those that are often overlooked. It seems the NHS has forgotten about its patients.
South Grove, NW1 |