Briotech chemist owners Jagdish and Hansila Vaghela with custumers
Pharmacy ‘will bring an influx of drug addicts’
Neighbours fears over 100-hour-a-week needle exchange
NEIGHBOURS fear an influx of drug addicts if a 100-hours-a-week chemist dispensing needles is allowed to open.
ABC Pharmacy, part of a chain, has applied to Camden Primary Care Trust for permission to open the shop in Camden Road, Camden Town.
But Jane Borges, secretary of Rousden Street Residents Association, said: “We’ve had a huge problem with drugs here. We have to pick up the pieces. We’ve had people defecating on our doorsteps. This area is fairly crime-ridden already and it is drug-related. “We don’t want to be a dumping ground. We’re worried about the needle exchange, as people from all over London will flock here. How can a small area cater to that?”
Ms Borges, a writer, was part of a group who campaigned for the closure of a Hare Krishna shop in Royal College Street, after the free food offered there drew addicts to the area. Resident, James McLeod, 70, said: “I’m very worried about drug addicts. When the food shop was here I was pushed to the ground at least three times, and three or four elderly people from my block were mugged. After it closed about a year ago everything went quiet.”
Residents are worried that the existing Biotech Chemist in Camden Road will be forced to shut if the new pharmacy opens.
Owners Jagdish Vaghela and his wife Hansila have collected more than 500 signatures and about 50 letters, some from residents’ groups, protesting about the new chemist.
Customer Violet Curson, 78, said of Mr Vaghela: “That man is an angel, I love him to bits. “He deserves an OBE for services to the community.” Another customer, Valentine Williams, 51, said: “They provide a personal service. It’s not run-of-the-mill.”
ABC Pharmacy director Nicholas Bilby was asked to comment this week but had not responded by last night (Wednesday).
A Camden PCT press official said: “We can confirm that an application for a 100-hour pharmacy has been received. Enhanced services may include smoking cessation, supervised methadone, needle exchange, minor ailments, for example and may be considered as part of the application. “There are no plans for a dedicated needle exchange service.”