Road too narrow for buses
• IT isn’t only the residents of Leighton Road who should be protesting the proposed bus route along this road.
Leighton Road in Kentish Town is a narrow road where even a parked car, let alone a bus, can cause a bottleneck.
There are already often tailbacks of cars travelling West waiting to turn into either Kentish Town or Highgate Roads.
These will undoubtedly get longer and more frequent. As well, there will be impressive traffic jams at the bottom of Highgate Road as cars are unable to turn left into Leighton Road.
Call me paranoid, but I can’t help thinking TfL’s true purpose is to make life as difficult as possible for drivers until everyone uses public transportation (already full to bursting) exclusively.
With no viable alternative, fares can go up even more (and, of course, TfL’s bureaucratic fiefdom grows in power).
By the way, can anyone point to an example of a public consultation making TfL change its announced policy?
Rona Rd, NW3