Same old Spurs...
HA! Turned out nice again. The Carling Cup doesn’t mean much to the elite these days but beating Spurs after giving them a two-goal head start never feels bad. It feels great. Especially as it’s a cup we couldn’t give two Mart Pooms about and its something they want to win, really bad. And we only had our reserves out. We could have brought back Pascal Cygan and still won. Maybe next year but probably not.
I wonder how big a head-start Spurs would actually need to win the tie over two legs. I wonder how inexperienced the Arsenal team line-up has to be before Spurs would come close. Take a moment at some stage today, a couple of minutes to yourself, and just think how excited those Tottenham fans at the Lane must have been when they saw their team go 2-0 up in the first leg. Grinning to themselves over half-time coffee and pies. Let’s tell the truth here: They thought they were going to win. They thought they were actually going to win. Not only were they going to beat Arsenal for the first time since 1999, they were going to a cup final that they care about. But seriously, readers, can Tottenham really beat Arsenal over two legs? Is that really possible?
AAH well. That’s that then. Another week of plugging your ears while gormless Gooners snigger on about how your team ‘fudged’ it up at White Hart Lane.
There was a time when Arsenal didn’t care about the competition. ‘Worthnothing’ Cup they bleated when Spurs won it with Ray Reardon lookey-likey George Graham at the helm. But now it’s their best chance of having a pot to keep peas in it’s Bernabeu time again. Congas down Holloway Road and everyone back to Richard Osley’s mock Tudor mansion for tapas and a decanter of Black Label. Don’t suppose Ashley Cole will be high-fiving his lovely wife Cheryl Tweed-dledum-y at the prospect of playing the team he so eloquently swiped in his barely selling book.
“Whoever we play won’t be cheering me,” he muttered on Friday. It was a remarkable insight from a man who thought wearing a frilly white shirt and pantaloons on national telly was a good idea. As for us Spurs fans? We’ve got bigger things on our minds. Like the FA Cup, Uefa Cup, finishing higher than Reading and finding someone to teach that new bloke with the greasy hair that when the ball is a foot off the ground you welly it with your foot. Not your forehead.