
Doris Bodimeade
He left a trail of mystery and misery
A CARER who investigated what had happened to his dead friend’s money has told how John Baptiste left a trail of mystery behind him at the Town Hall.
Harold Angel said his attempts to see financial statements connected with the account managed on behalf of Doris Bodimeade, a former resident of the Wellesley Road Nursing Home in Gospel Oak, were blocked.
When she died in 2005, Baptiste told him that she had in fact owed money to the council – even though the account should not have been in the red.
Mr Angel persevered and was later sent a cheque for £6,000 – with no explanation or receipt. The money paid for her funeral with the remainder donated to animal charities. He said: “He could have sent me any cheque. He could have sent me one for £2,000 and I wouldn’t have known any better. He probably wasn’t expecting anybody to follow it up. A lot of the people he dealt with didn’t have any relatives. Nobody seems to have been checking.”
Mr Angel, who also lives in Gospel Oak, said: “Doris, the poor devil, wouldn’t have known what was going on with her money.”
Mr Angel had several phone calls with Baptiste but found no reason for his actions and no solid paperwork. He has never been told whether Ms Bodimeade’s case was part of the criminal charges against Baptiste but said that residents and staff in Wellesley House were suspicious.
Meanwhile, volunteer adviser Barry Sullivan said he had a run-in with Baptiste over an account handled on behalf of his close friend Fred Newman. Mr Sullivan, who runs the Camden Town Neighbourhood Advice Centre, said that strange purchases had been made with his money without Mr Newman’s consent. On one occasion, trendy clothing from GAP appeared with no receipts.
Mr Newman, who lived in Bayham Street, Camden Town, died in 2005, leaving the express instruction that nobody from the council should attend his funeral service. The case is not thought to be part of the criminal charges brought against Baptiste but highlights the suspicion generated by the finance officer.