There’s plenty to do
• ONCE again, I’m disappointed to read that the Youth of Camden (Book of Grievances Jan 4) think that there’s nothing available for them in the borough. A quick scan of the ‘Things to Come’ page of the same issue reveals Brownies, Guides, Ranger Guides (14-25), Scouts (from age 6 to 25), Sports for the Under 19s, Chess (5-13), Trapeze, Dance and the Caversham Girls Group (8-18), too name a few.
The problem is not that there’s nothing to do: more that anyone who’s interested needs to be more proactive about looking for something to do!
I’m pleased that the Youth of Camden are now taking positive steps to do something: but as a voluntary youth leader in the area, I find it very disheartening to hear that they think there’s nothing to do, when I know quite well that the opposite is true. We live in one of the most vibrant cities on earth, and not a small village miles from anywhere.
Guider in Charge
8th St Pancras Brownies
Jamestown Road, NW1 |