
Ziggy behind his brother Marley |
Missing cat found a year later... and 20 miles away
Reunion with amazed owner after Ziggy turns up on building site
A CAT who went missing over Christmas in 2005 was reunited with his family two weeks ago – after turning up on a Camden Town building site 20 miles from his home.
Ziggy, a long-haired domestic cat with Persian ancestry, vanished from his home in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, in 2005.
His owner, Katie Chappell, 22, thinks he was snatched for a Christmas present but doesn’t know how he ended up in Camden. She said: “He just literally disappeared. My other cat was crying all the time. It was horrible.”
Ms Chappell picked out Ziggy – named after Bob Marley’s son – and his brother from an RSPCA home for her 21st birthday.
A year after Ziggy disappeared, trained beauty therapist Ms Chappell was told by Beaumont Animals’ Hospital, in Royal College Street, Camden Town, that they had her cat in what she described as “the maddest phone call I’ve ever had”. The nurse had scanned the cat for a microchip and discovered Ms Chappell’s details.
Ms Chappell said: “They thought he’d been missing for about a week, and I was like ‘no, try a year!’ It was amazing. I thought he was dead.” Workmen on the building site had fed Ziggy until the Christmas holiday. A concerned neighbour then took the cat to the animal hospital.
Ms Chappell, who has a five-year-old daughter, travelled to Camden last week to collect Ziggy. She said: “The reunion was sweet.”