
Cllr Adrian Oliver |
Gas-guzzlers to be hit with bigger parking charges
DRIVERS who use ‘gas-guzzling’ 4x4 cars are to be hit with tougher parking fees as Camden turns the screw on the borough’s worst polluters.
Camden will become only the second borough in London to operate a ‘polluter pays’ policy, demanding extra cash for permits from the motorists who cause more carbon emissions.
In a simple sliding scale – the larger the engine, the more residents will have to fork out.
Annual parking permits currently cost £90. Under the new changes, drivers of cars like Land Rovers or larger BMWs – known as Tariff 4 vehicles – could see a steep hike in price of around 60 per cent.
Conservative environment chief Councillor Mike Greene said yesterday (Wednesday) that the changes – due to be ratified later this month – were not an attempt to squeeze more money from drivers.
He said the majority of car owners would see costs fall because the council aims to reduce the price for vehicles with small engines, such as Fiat Puntos.
Cllr Greene said: “We did not want to be punitive. This isn’t something silly like charging 4x4 drivers £25 every time they drive around. To a degree we are saying ‘the polluter pays’, as the minority whose cars are causing greater damage to the environment will be charged more for their parking permits.”
He also announced breaks for electric car drivers such as free pay and display parking – although would not commit to buying one himself. There will be re-charging points made available near parking bays.”
The shift appears to have cross-party support, albeit with some squabbling over who first came up with the idea first. Such is the widespread excitement about the policy at the Town Hall, it could be implemented quicker than in Richmond, the only other borough where similar fees are planned.
Labour’s environment spokeswoman Councillor Penny Abraham said: “I welcome the progress towards higher charges for larger vehicles. This is the logical next step following on from policies, pursued by Labour in the previous administration, to improve air quality in Camden, and to combat climate change.”
The Green Party also laid claim to the policy as they added their support. Leader councillor Adrian Oliver said: “The Green Party has been talking sense for 35 years – it is good to see that we are now having an influence at the Town Hall. This is basically the Green Party policy that we have campaigned for.”
Lib Dem leader Councillor Keith Moffitt said: “We support it – and the important thing is that it is not just 4x4s. It is cars with larger engines..”
The policy will be reviewed by backbenchers next week and is set to be confirmed on January 23. |