Public health is vital in tackling inequalities
• THE CNJ is to be congratulated for giving such extensive coverage to Camden’s latest Public Health Report (Near neighbours who have an 11-year gulf in life spans, Dec 28) and for highlighting both the stark inequalities in health that exist in our borough and the clear link between poor health and social deprivation.
It is the job of Camden Council’s new Health Scrutiny Committee to hold the NHS to account and address these inequalities.
But the council has a big role to play in promoting public health through the housing, education and leisure services it provides.
Dr Anthony Kessel, Director of Public Health, will be presenting the Public Health Report to the next meeting of the committee on January 18 at 7pm in the Town Hall.
It is open to the public and I would encourage those with an interest to join us.
Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee
Councillor for Kilburn Ward