A new venture for me
• THANKS to John Gulliver for his story last week but parking was a small – and not by some distance the most important – part of the environment brief I held on the council for nine years.
However, I shall not miss the obsessive complaints of a minority of motorists nor the misquotations of such as Cllr Kirsty Roberts.
I did not, of course, say that South End Green is nothing but a bus terminus but did draw attention to the role it has performed for more than a century and the many thousands of people who travel to it and through it every week, whose interests have to be balanced with those of residents.
I hope you and some of your readers will come to see my new play No Entry at the Hen and Chickens at Highbury Corner next Sunday and Monday at 7.30pm (box office 7704 2001). It is a new venture for me and I hope first for an audience and then for some encouragement
Highgate West Hill
N6 |