We must solve this homes crisis
• `Re: Let’s not forget the homeless this Yule (December 21)
Thank you Rose Hacker for helping us to see how we have been conned into thinking that property ownership is the best way to provide housing. We would like to take the debate a bit further and suggest that one of the main reasons for the housing mess is that people think that everyone needs to own land.
The bricks and mortar used to build a house, are paid for relatively quickly; so most of the price of a house standing in an expensive location relates to the plot.
There are strong arguments for a system in which everyone pays rent for the land they use in order to enjoy security of tenure. There are many advantages because as well as making housing affordable, the rent for the land could go to the community and other taxes could be very low.
Properties would not stay empty for years because rent for the land would still be payable and, most importantly, property speculation would cease to be profitable.
The details of this way of thinking about housing are clearly elaborated in a recently published book by Fred Harrison called ‘Ricardo’s Law – House Prices and The Great Tax Clawback Scam’.
Let’s have a debate!
Albert Street, NW1
• THE story on your front page (Death of a Nobody, Dec 21) made me think that Britain is the richest country in the world where people come from all around the world and the government give them all sorts of help to settle down.
But it’s very sad that a homeless multiple sclerosis sufferer died in a hotel car park at King’s Cross in London not very far from UCH hospital, didn’t get medical help and died at the time when all London was illuminated with colourful lights, joy and merry Christmas everywhere. That thought made my heart bleed.
I believed he and all rough sleepers are part of our community, whatever reason they are homeless, or taking drugs or drinking lots. They are human beings, creation not complete, just God is absolute.
So in my point of view they need secure shelter, mostly at night.
I wish our government would give us a few more night shelters where they can stay and sleep well and also a few more ambulances so that when they need any emergency medical help, then they can have it.
Camden Road, NW1